Serbian Spruce

An exquisite Christmas tree, native to Serbia and Bosnia. The needles are small, with a dark blue-green upper side and blue-white under side. A very shapely and elegant tree.

Field Guide

The Serbian Spruce (Picea omorika) is a beautiful evergreen tree native to the Balkan Peninsula. It is known for its slender form and striking blue-green needles.

Size and Shape:

  • Serbian Spruces are medium-sized evergreen trees, typically reaching heights of 50 to 90 feet when fully mature.

  • They have a narrow, columnar shape with a straight trunk and branches that are slightly pendulous, especially towards the ends.

  • The overall form of the tree is elegant and slender.


  • The needles of Serbian Spruce are unique and visually striking. They are arranged in a spiral pattern along the branches.

  • The needles have a flattened appearance, measuring around 0.5 to 1 inch in length.

  • They are dark green on the upper side and have two white stomatal bands on the underside, creating a beautiful contrast.


  • They produce small, cylindrical cones that are around 1.5 to 3 inches long.

  • The cones are initially green and eventually mature to a reddish-brown or dark brown color.

  • They hang down from the branches and persist on the tree for several years.


  • The bark of Serbian Spruce is typically smooth and grayish-brown, with small resin blisters present on younger trees.

  • As the tree ages, the bark becomes rougher and develops shallow furrows.


  • Serbian Spruces are native to the Balkan Peninsula, particularly Serbia and Bosnia.

  • They are also cultivated and can be found in gardens, parks, and arboretums in various parts of the world.

Cut Your Own Tree – Pricing

Prices are determined by the height of the tree after it is cut and before it is prepared to take home. The price is calculated on a cost-per-inch basis from the bottom of the tree to half-way up the leader.

The table provides pricing for various tree heights to give you a sense of approximate cost. The exact cost for your tree will be determined at checkout.

We also have “Charlie Brown” trees at $25. As a reminder please do not remove tags from the trees.

*We reserve the right to change prices at any time.

Tree Height (Feet) Tree Height (Inches) Price
1-5 or less 60 $64.20 Perfect height for studios, small apartments or dorm rooms.
6 72 $77.04
7 84 $89.88 Ideal height for most homes with a standard 8' ceiling
8 96 $112.99
9 108 $127.12 Best height for churches and small business offices
10 120 $154.08
11 132 $169.49 Best height for homes with cathedral ceilings or larger business offices
12 144 $215.71
13 156 $233.69
14 168 $359.52

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